Pleasant Dreams Farm
Our previous litters....
What we produce is very important to us. This page will be updated with titles, health testing, new photos etc as we are informed.
Fijne Dromen 'A' litter Lycan X Kitsune 9-12-17 6M 3F.
Top row...
Alvin "Kelso" in an IPO home in FL. * Abrams "Ari" in an IPO home in OR. * Ace "Blue" in an active family home in CA..
Sold on neuter contract

*Ari has completed his advanced S&R class
Sold on neuter contract

Sold on neuter contract

Middle row...
Arrow "Wick" is an PSA/rally home in SC. * Ali "Ridge" in an active family/farm home in OR. * Army in an IPO home in WA.
*Wick has his AKC RN, TKA, CGC,
OFA Good hips, Normal elbows,
Normal shoulders, Full bite.
Embark DNA tested CLEAR of 171 conditions
0 at risk 0 carrier
OFA Good/Normal
PennHIP .31/.29 No OA
Sold on neuter contract
Sold on neuter contract

Bottom row...
Anya "Ruth" in an PSA home in AR. * Addie in an active family/Mondio home in CO. * Aviva "Hania" in an agility/PPD home in Germany.
*Ruth goes for her PSA PDC 2020
Waiting on OFAs
*Addie has her NAD-FEL-1
OFA Fair and Normal
Sold on spay contract
Sold on non breeding contract

Fijne Dromen 'B' litter Lycan X Kitsune 4-22-18 6M 3F
Top row...
Boaz "Duke" in an active family home in MA. * Buzz "Scout" in an active family home in OR. * Boss "Phoenix" in an IPO/PPD home in WA.
Sold on neuter contract

Sold on neuter contract

Middle row...
Buster "Bullet" is in an IPO home in OR. * Bruno "Luka" is in an IPO home in MA. * Bear "Zion" is in an IPO home in CO.
*Bullet has completed his advanced S&R class
Sold on neuter contract
Sold on neuter contract

Sold on neuter contract

Bottom row...
Brenna "Tikka" in an active family home in AK. * Bailey "Lilo" in an active family/dog sport home in CA. * Bella in a S&R/cadaver dog home in ID.
Sold on spay contract

Sold on spay contract

*Bella is set to dual purpose certify, air scent and HRD/cadaver dog, 8/20
Placed on spay contract

Fijne Dromen 'C' litter Lycan X Kitsune 12-13-18 6M 4F
Top row...
Cole "Ragnar" Detection dog in WA. * Chief in an active family/SAR/IPO home in WA. * Chase in a IGP Sport home in CA.
*Ragnar is certified on explosives 9/19
*Ragnar is certified for patrol & apprehension 12/19
* Chief has his CGC
*OFA Fair/Normal
Sadly Chase has been dx with OCD
Sold on neuter contract

Sold on neuter contract
Sold on neuter contract

Middle row...
Captain "Turtle" in an active family/sport home in AZ. * Cash "Hoot" in an active family/farm home in AK. * Coby "Wiley" in an IPO home in MD.
Sold on neuter contract

Sold on neuter contract

*Wiley is a working certified explosive detection dog. Has his
Sold on neuter contract

Bottom row...
Claire sadly died 9/19. * Coco "Aspen" in a sport home in WA. * Cindy Lou "KYNTHIA" in a Sport home in MN. * Chloe in an active family home in PA.
Embark DNA tested CLEAR of 171 conditions
0 at risk 0 carrier
*Aspen has her HCT
Passing hips PennHip .49/.54 No OA
Sold on spay contract
*OFA Hips excellent, Elbows, Cardiac, Eyes Normal. OFA CHIC. Sadly Cindy has missing teeth
Sold on spay contract

Fijne Dromen 'D' litter Lycan X Baya 2-14-21 3M 6F
Top row...
Dino "Walter" in OR neuter contract* Deku "Max" in FL neuter contract * Dax "Braga" Shed hunting/bird dog/herding home in NV neuter contract
PennHip .35/.36

Middle row...
Darcy "Ellie" SAR home in OR spay contract* Dixie "Bij" in MT spay contract Sadly diagnosed with pannus* Demi "Karma" in PPD home in OR spay contract

Bottom row...
Daphne "Orla" in sport home in WA spay contract * Dynamite "Dyna" in OR spay contract * Dove "Amara" in CA spay contract
CGC, RATS, ORT,.NW1 OFA Good/Normal

Fijne Dromen 'E' litter C'est Honey's Bohdi Von Den Hohenheimer Herdern X Kitsune 4-7-21 2M 3F
Top row...
Enzo "Zuko" in sport home in WA* Elvis in an active family and farm home in OR neuter contract* Eleven is retained at Fijne Dromen RATN OFA Excellent/Normal

Bottom row...
Echo in a sport home in NM* Evie "Ripley" in an active family and sport home in MD spay contract
Senior Dock Title, SAR HRD HR MRE certified

Fijne Dromen 'F' litter Kermit von der Schäfers Weg X Fijne Dromen Daphne 8-29-23 1M 3F
Top row...
Flavia in sport home in ID* CGC, TKI Febe in an active family and scent work home in WA spay contract*

Felix in mondio home in OR* Freija is retained at Fijne Dromen