Pleasant Dreams Farm

ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

We picked this breed, and the specific goats we started with, with milk in mind..we are also hoping to produce show prospects.
I want to try my hand at lotions and soaps...and of course delicious creamy sweet milk. Goats are also wonderful for bush and shrub control.
Our start up goats came from two wonderful breeders who always test their herds for the usual suspects...CAE, CL, Q-fever, Johnes, BVD and TB. We will also test our herd as it grows.
Tested negative for CAE 12/17.
We LA'd our adult herd 6/19.
Goats are herd animals, we will not sell just 1 kid, unless you have goats already.
Our kids are sold disbudded and vaccinated twice for CD/T.
Doe and Buck kids sold to show/breeding homes will also be tattooed and registered with ADGA.
Deposits: A $50 non-refundable deposit will hold a kid of your choice until it is ready. Transportation must conclude within 14 days of the kid being ready.